This utility can only be used by a website administrator that has access to the 4Schools Users Database. The Import Photos utility is used to upload faculty/staff photos to individual user accounts so they can be displayed on faculty home pages (Profiles) and/or Staff Directories. This utility eliminates the need to upload staff photos individually.
To use this utility, you will need a zip file of the photos and know the naming convention used by your photographer. This might be "First Name, Last Name", "Last Name, First Name", "External Student Info System ID" (in other words the unique ID found in the first column of the table displayed when you search for users in the Users Database), or you might have a .csv index file.
Access the Import Photo Utility
From you 4Schools account, select the Users Database in the Utility Navigation. Select Import Photos on the left side of the screen to open the Import Photo utility.
Import User Photos
- Photos to be imported must be in a ZIP file format that contains JPEGs or GIFs. Photos to be imported should be at least 200 pixels wide to preserve image quality. As you import photos, they're compressed and resized to 200 pixels wide for the large profile photo and 100 pixels wide for the small listing photo.
- Naming Convention: Choose the Naming Convention appropriate to your zip file. The options are "First Name, Last Name", "Last Name, First Name", "External Student Info System ID", or "File Name Index". For the "First Name, Last Name" and "Last Name, First Name" a comma, hyphen, period, pipe, plus, space, or underscore can separate the faculty member's two names. If you choose File Name Index, a second "Choose File" button will be displayed for you to upload the index file.
Note: File Name Index should be selected when the files from your photographer have file names that do not identify the individual in the photograph. The index file will need to be in the format (photo filename, first name, last name). - Browse to your zip file. If you chose "File Name Index", then also choose your index file.
- Photo sizes: You can check either or both boxes for Photo Sizes. The Large Profile Picture is the one that will appear on the faculty home page and the Small Listing Photo will appear in the Staff Directories on the web pages where the Faculty Listing tool is used.
- Select Process Photos to add the photos to the Photo Queue.
Import Photo Queue
After selecting to Process Photos, you will see a "Your photos are being processed. Based on the number of files this make take a few minutes. Please be patient". After the photos have been processed, the Import Photo Queue will display. The files have been matched to the user accounts. The queue will allow unmatched files to be manually matched or removed from the queue.
- # file(s) is/are an invalid file format will display if any files contained in the zip file are not JPEG or GIF files You can use the checkbox to remove those files before clicking the "Import Photos" button. If you do not remove them, the files will be ignored and later reported as not matching a user account in the email that is sent when the upload is complete.
- The number of files placed in the Photo Queue is displayed.
Note: This count will include the file(s) with an invalid format. - Add More: You may add an additional zip file with the +Add More button. This will add additional image files to the photo queue. Clicking the +Add More button will take you to an Import User Photos screen. This screen will also contain a "View Photos in Queue" link that can take you back to the Import Photo Queue.
- Remove: Use the checkboxes to remove any files you do not want to upload. Selecting the remove checkbox will cause the Delete Files button to show. Once all of the files to be moved are checked, select Delete Files.
- Manually Match: If a file name does not match a user in the Users Database, you can manually match the user to a user account. This is handy if a nickname was used in either the Users Database or the file name. For example, you can match Jon Doe to Jonathon Doe. See the Manually Match a Photo to a User section below for more details.
Manually Match a Photo to a User
In the Photo Queue, select the manually match link next to the file name to open the Manually Match User Photo screen.
- Matching User: Select the correct user for the photo from the drop-down list.
- Match: Select Match to match the file to the user.
- Cancel: Select Cancel or Back to Import User Photos to go back to the Photo Queue without matching the photo to a user.
Import Photos
After you have completed all the necessary changes to the photo import queue, select Import Photos to begin the photo import process. Processing times will vary depending on your system.
While the photos are being imported you will see the message: "Your photos are now being imported. An email will be sent to you when photo importing is complete. Successfully matched and imported photos will be removed from the photo queue."
When the process is complete, an email will be sent to the website administrator logged in during the import process. To receive the email make sure the correct email address in the user account for the website administrator that is logged in to do the photo import.
Import Photo Email
An email will be sent to the email address of the website administrator who was logged in during the photo import.
If there are any photos that didn't process/match a user account, they will remain in the photo queue. To process these photos, return to the photo queue by going to the Users Database and click the Import Photos left side link. There will be a link to the photo queue at the bottom of the screen. Remove or manually match any files left in the queue.