The Photo Gallery tool is a Main Body tool that allows you to display photos of students, projects, etc. There are four different options when choosing how they are to be displayed. When uploading these pictures, the system will automatically resize and optimize the pictures for you if you designate the height and width within the tool. Each of your pictures can contain a photo title, album overview, photo description and full album description to provide further details. Most of these are optional and are not required to add a photo gallery to your website. However, when used, they provide useful detail to your website visitors.
Photo Gallery Tool Options
- edit: Add/edit/remove tool heading, change tool status to inactive/active, or schedule a status change.
- Add Album: Opens the Add Album screen. See the Add Album to Photo Gallery section below.
- Convert to Slide Show: You have the option to convert any Photo Gallery tool to a Main Body Slide Show tool.
- Album: Album name
- Photos: Opens the Add Photo screen. See the Add Photos to a Photo Gallery Album section for more information.
- Update: Update a photo album.
- Delete: Delete a photo album and all of the photos it contains.
- Change Position: Change the position of the tool on the current page
- Move: Change the location of this tool to another page by selecting the desired category and page
- Preview: Opens a new tab to preview the page
- Delete: Deletes the tool from the page
Add Album to Photo Gallery
Once the Photo Gallery tool has been added to the page, you can begin adding content by selecting Add Album to open the Add Album screen.
*Indicates required
- Position After: Choose the position of the photo. The default is at the bottom of the list. The first photo added will only have the "Place at top" option. When there is more than one photo, select the photo you want to add the selected photo after.
- *Album Title: Enter the name of the album.
- *Display Type: Choose the desired display option. See the Photo Gallery Display Types section below for more information about how the photos will display.
- You can set the Maximum Height and Maximum Width For Photos. Use the suggestions provided to help choose the appropriate height and width for your photos or leave the height blank to accept defaults.
- lbum overview: Use to provide visitors with helpful descriptions when more than 1 album is included on the page.
- Full album description: Can be used to add additional useful information about the photo album.
Add Photos to a Photo Gallery Album
Once the Album has been added to the Photo Gallery tool, you can add photos by selecting the Photos link to open the Add Photos screen.
Choose the desired number of photos to add to the album and select Add.
- Photo Title: If desired, you can enter a title for the photo.
- Choose File: Browse to the file and select open.
Note: Photos must be jpg, gif, or png file types. - Description: If desired, you can provide additional information about the photo.
If more than 1 photo was selected to be added, add the information and file for each photo. After all the photos and information have been added, select Add at the bottom of the window.
Add Photo Options
After the photos have been added, you can update, rearrange, add, or delete photos by selecting the Photos link next to the album.
- Add additional photos to the album
- Title: Displays the photo title
- Up: Move the photo up in the album
- Down: Move the photo down in the album
- Update: Update the photo or any of its properties
- Delete: Delete the photo from the album
When you have finished editing the photos in this album, click the Back to Albums>> link to return to Photo Gallery tool in the Navigation Builder.
Photo Gallery Display Types
Display 1 at a time with Previous, Next links
- Album Name
- Visitors can use the Previous and Next links to view the different photos in the album
- Photo Title will display if a title has been added for the photo
- Photo Description will display if a description has been added for the photo
Display all thumbnails with pop up screen
- Photo Title will display if a title has been added for the photo
- Photo Description will display if a description has been added for the photo
- Visitors can use the Previous and Next links to view the different photos in the album
Display all thumbnails click to view information
This option will show all the thumbnails. If a Full Album Description has been added it will display under the thumbnails. If a visitor selects a thumbnail a larger photo and additional information will display underneath the thumbnails.
- Full Album Description will display if it has been added for the album
- After a photo has been selected, the Photo Title will display if a title has been added for the photo
- After a photo has been selected, the Photo Description will display if a description has been added for the photo
Display all thumbnails on the right
- Full Album Description will display if it has been added for the album
- Photo Title will display if a title has been added for the photo
- Photo Description will display if a description has been added for the photo