
Public Users / Weekly Upcoming Events Email

In today's fast-paced, electronic world, push notification emails coming directly into our smartphone or calendar is becoming the norm.  Did you know CMS4Schools offers a tool that will automatically send a weekly email to users notifying them of upcoming events at your school?  Calendar categories can be designed as 'public' and users may subscribe to them to receive a weekly email of upcoming events.  This forum will explain how to utilize the Members Database and Members Opt-In Form to provide an easy way for parents, guardians, or community members to sign-up to receive these weekly emails.

Example Email

Example Email

On Friday, an email similar to the one above is sent to those users who have requested one.  Events in those categories chosen by the user are included.

Add a Group (optional)

Add a Group (optional)

If a group is added to the Members Database, it becomes possible to send mass emails to members of the group.  These are not the automatically generated Upcoming Events emails, but are simply another option within this database.  

Follow these steps to create a Group:

  • Click on the Members Database left side link to open the Members Database.
  • Click on the Groups link at the top of the page.
  • Click Add Group.
  • Enter a Group Name and click the Add button.
  • Check the spelling of your Group name. Make any corrections by using the Update link. Once you have added members to the group you will not be able to edit the name or delete the group.
  • Use the <Back to Members Database link to get back to the Members Database main page.

Add the Members Opt-In Form to your Website

Add the Members Opt-In Form to your Website

In your Navigation Builder, we suggest you add a new page and then add a Text/Graphic Editor to the top of the page explaining what the user will be able to do with their username and password.

To add the tool:

  1. Select Members Database Opt-In Form  from the Add Tool to this page: drop down list.
  2. Choose the position of the tool on the page. The default is at the top of the page. The item showing in the drop down list should be the tool that should display directly above the tool being added. The first tool added will only have the "Place at top of page" in the drop down.
  3. Click the Add button.

Choosing Opt-In Form Properties

Choosing Opt-In Form Properties

This database is also used to create an Alumni database.   To design the Opt-In Form to create public users, it's best to keep things simply and streamlined.  

  1. Email Notification Addresses:  When a request comes in, email is sent to the requester.  If you want to approve requests, enter the approver's email here and be sure to check Needs Approval in Step #6.
  2. Select which fields to include on the Opt-In Form.  Again, keep things simple.  The settings above will display the form in the next step.  
  3. CMS4Schools Event Categories to subscribe to:  Categories within Calendar Admin allow for Members Database users to subscribe to designated categories.  For example, if a new category for Girls' Softball is added, there is a checkbox "Can Subscribe? Yes, allow Members Database members to subscribe to this category."   If checked, the calendar category appears on this Opt-In Form giving members the choice to receive a weekly email regarding events tied to this category.  
  4. Groups you belong to: If you've created a Parents/Guardians Group, you can make it the default, forcing all individuals who use this form into that group.  Check Yes if you plan to allow the user to decide which groups to join.  
  5. Needs Approval:  The last check box in the properties of the tool, if unchecked, will allow public visitors to signup for the database without approval.  If checked, the request will need approval.   See Members Opt-In Form tutorial for additional information.
  6. Finally click Submit.

How the Form Displays on Your Webpage

How the Form Displays on Your Webpage

For additional information, see the Members Database and Members Opt-In Form Help Docs on our support site.

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