The Schools Database can be used to edit your district's contact information including school name, address, phone number, fax number, contact email address and grade levels for each location. The database will automatically contain the contact information your district provides when you purchase a 4Schools application. The person(s) given permission to the Schools Database has the ability to add buildings and enter the appropriate data or to edit an existing building and modify the data.
During website development, the Schools Database contact information will be set to display on your website footer for your school district and each school.
Access the Schools Database
From your 4Schools account, select the Schools Database in the Utility Navigation.
Note: The Schools Database link in the Utility Navigation bar will only be visible if the user logged in has been given permissions to the user database.
Edit Contact information
- Select + Add to add a new school and its contact information. Please see the Add School section below for more information about adding a school.
- Select the pencil icon to edit existing information for a building. The "Edit" screen contains the same fields as the "Add" screen. Make changes as needed and select Save.
- Select Delete to delete an existing school and its data. Click Ok to confirm that the information should be deleted.
Note that deleting a school will also remove the information from the website footer.
Add School
After selecting +Add, the Add School screen will open where you can enter the school contact information.
*Indicates required fields
- *School Name: Enter the name of the school as you would like it to display
- Address Line 1 & 2: Enter the address information for the school
- City
- State/County: For the United States and Canada, use the dropdown to select your state. For other countries use the fields to enter your state and country
- Zip: Enter the school zip code
- Phone Number: Enter the phone number as you would like it to display
- Fax Number: Enter the fax number as you would like it to display
- Email: Enter the email address for the school
- Contact Us URL: Enter the URL of your Contact Us page from your website
- School URL: Enter the URL for the School from your website
- Custom Contact Info Field:
- Field's Label: Enter the label you would like to display
- Field's Data: Enter the data that you would like to display related to the label
Note: This data doesn't display on any Standard Themes or the following Premium Themes: Arlington, Carlisle, Crown, Fairfield, and Newcastle. If you would like to see support for this on your particular Theme, put a feature request in the CMS4Schools Ideas Portal. There may be limited support on some Themes to include this information and all requests may not be possible.
- Grades: Check the boxes of the grades that meet in that location.
Select the Add button to add the school to the Schools Database.
Note: To have the new school associated with school pages on your website please contact support to have the school connected to your website pages.