The Interactive Forms tool is a Main Body tool that can be added to any main or faculty page. This tool allows you to build and maintain online forms such as questionnaires, surveys, polls, etc. All responses will be captured in a database. This tool also includes summary reporting tools as well as downloading capabilities.
I-Form Tool Properties

- Title: This is a unique name that you wish to give to this form.
- Numbering: Used to number each question.
- CAPTCHA Protection: We recommend you to use this feature as it protects the form from being submitted by web crawlers or other automated devices.
- Collect User’s Email: Require the user to enter his/her email address. If checked, this data will be captured into a database and will be used as a Reply-To email address if notification emails are being sent. Also, this will send a confirmation email to the user after the form is submitted.
- Email Notification Addresses: The submitted I-Form information will be sent to those emails entered in either the HTML email or Text-only Email field. Multiple email addresses can be entered separated with a comma.
- Email Notification Subject Line: This can be used to set a subject for the email to help easily identify submissions for this form.
- Allow 1 Submission Per Member: The page must be set up with User Side Security to utilize this feature.
- Summarize Results: Summarize checkbox, radio, and drop down/list box percentages.
- Redirect URL: If desired, you can send the user to a different page after the I-Form has been submitted by entering a URL in this field.
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to create the Interactive Form tool with the selected properties.
Add Items to the I-Form

Select on Add Item in the Interactive Form tool to open the Add I-Form Item screen.

Selecting a radio button for one of the item choices will display additional fields related to the selected item
Text - Used as a label
Label & Text Box - Used for Short Answers, i.e. Name, Address, Phone, etc.
Label & Text Area - Used for longer answers
Label & Radio Button
Label & Check Boxes - i.e.Multiple choices are allowed by entering the number of options required from the drop down box.
Drop Down/List Box
- Use the second section of the form to fill out the fields for the selected item.
Click the Add button to create the item. Repeat until all the items have been added to the form.
I-Form Tool Options
- edit: Add/edit/remove tool heading, change tool status to inactive/active, or schedule a status change.
- Add Item: Select to open the Add I-Form Item screen to add another form item to the tool.
- Update I-Form: Select to open the I-Form Properties screen to update any properties.
- Insert Before: Select to add a form item before the selected item.
- Up: Move the selected item Up in the form.
- Down: Move the selected item Down in the form.
- Update: Update the selected item.
Note: The item can be update, but the type of item it is cannot be changed. - Delete: Delete the selected item.
- Add Item: Select to open the Add I-Form Item screen to add another form item to the tool.
- Change Position: Change the position of the tool on the current page.
- Move: Change the location of this tool to another page by selecting the desired category and page.
- Submitted I-Forms: Opens the Saved I-Forms - Request Information screen. See the View I-Form Submissions section below for more information.
- Preview: Opens a new tab to preview the page.
- Delete: Deletes the tool from the page.
View I-Form Submissions
In Navigation Builder click on the Main Body content of the page where the Interactive Forms tool is displayed. Select the Submitted I-Forms option to open the Saved I-Forms - Request Information screen

- Created Date Range: Allows you to filter by submission date.
- Search: Select to search by Created Date Range and the selected radio button for display.
- Download Data: Will save the data in a csv file. You can open this file in Excel or another spreadsheet application to view and work with the information.
- View List of All Surveys: is the default view. Allows you to view submissions individually.
- Summarize checkbox, radio, and drop down/list box questions: Shows the answers to the items/questions by count and percentage
- View All Answers Per Question: Allows you to select and view answers to specific items/questions.