
CMS4Schools User Account Permissions

All 4Schools user permissions are managed via the user's account in the Users Database.

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Access User Account

From within the Users Database, use the Search/Manage option to find the desired user account. Select the edit pencil next to the user to access the user's account.


Access CMS4Schools Tab

Once in the Edit User screen, select the CMS4Schools tab to start adding/editing permissions.


Only the General information screen will show until additional CMS4Schools permissions are assigned.

CMS4Schools Tab | General Section

  1. User Account Details: Active or inactivate a user with the checkbox. Inactive users will not show in the staff lists created with the Faculty Lists from Faculty Database tool.
    Note: In order for users to show in the Faculty Lists from Faculty Database tool they must be active and have the Account Type of Faculty select.
  2. Groups: Users can be assigned to as many CMS4Schools groups as are applicable to the user. The Faculty List tool uses the CMS4Schools groups to create custom staff directory lists for web pages that only pertain to a portion/group of the district’s staff.
    Note: These Groups are managed from within the CMS4Schools Main Website Administration. See the User Groups - CMS4Schools for more information about adding and deleting CMS4Schools User Groups. 
  3. Account Type: Checking either or both boxes in this area turns on the Faculty Account tab and/or the Web Site Administrator tab.
    Note: If the user should appear in a staff directory using the Faculty List from the Faculty Database tool the Faculty checkbox must be checked even if the user will not maintain any faculty pages.
  4. Weekly Calendar Email: Check the box for weekly calendar emails if these weekly emails have been set up within the Calendar Admin of the Website Administration site for the district. Change the radio button to Selected Categories and the calendar categories from the Calendar Admin will appear with checkboxes in front of them, allowing emails to be sent only from specific categories. 
    Note: If under the Faculty section, the Home Page Type is set to Profile Page or Web Site the faculty member, when logged in, will be able to sign up for the weekly emails they want to receive by clicking on My Faculty Administration on the left sidebar and then clicking the link for Edit My Profile at the top left of the screen.  

CMS4Schools Tab | Faculty Account Section

After selecting the Faculty checkbox in the Account Type section, the Faculty Account section will be available.

  1. Content Template Library: Check “Copy Content From It” if the user should have access to adding webpage contents that have been saved in the library. Check “Copy Content To It” if the user should be able to create new templates and save them to the library. None, one or both checkboxes maybe checked. We recommend that most users have only the “Copy Content From It” box checked.
  2. Home Page Type: Choose the radio button that best represents the user’s access to creating individual web pages associated with their job description or classroom. This content can be added to the district’s site without the direct supervision of the district’s web admin.
    • None: No Faculty web page is created for this user. Use this setting if you do not want the user to have any individual web pages but still want the user’s basic information to show in a staff directory created using the Faculty List from Faculty Database tool.
    • Profile Page: Name, Title, Email, Photo, and Profile will become this faculty member's home page. This faculty member can add/edit/delete additional pages on their Web site. This option can be used to create a consistent look to faculty pages by having all of the homepages in the same format and displaying the same information pulled from the data entered into the User Database. The user may still add additional pages of content specific to their position/teaching assignment, but cannot change the layout of their home page.
    • The Faculty Folder in Home Page Settings is required.
    • Website: The user will create the content of all pages on their faculty website, including their home page. This faculty member can add/edit/delete pages on their Website.
    • External Website: This will connect the staff member’s Website link on their profile page to an “external website”. Use this to link to a specific page within your district’s website or to a website created outside of CMS4Schools. For example, a guidance counselor may be maintaining pages in the Main Web Site Admin. Instead of having both a set of Faculty pages as well as the “guidance” pages in the Main Web Site to maintain using the External Web Site option will allow the guidance counselor to appear in the Faculty Listings and maintain a single set of web pages. Staff members having previously created a website not using CMS4Schools may keep the site while still appearing in the Faculty Listing.
  3. Home Page Settings: Set the specific settings for the Faculty Homepage based on the Home Page Type selected above.
    • None: N/A
    • Profile Page: Enter in a faculty folder name (ex. username). Use the "Banners" checkbox to indicate if the user should be able to upload new banners.
    • Website: Enter in a faculty folder name (ex. username). Use the "Banners" checkbox to indicate if the user should be able to upload new banners. Use the "Display Faculty Profile Info" checkbox to indicate if the home page should include the user's Name, Title, Email, Photo, and Profile at the top of their homepage. 
    • External Website: Paste the teacher's external site URL into the Web Address field. If a profile photo is going to be added for the user, enter in a faculty folder name (ex. username).
  4. Photos: Upload staff photos for display in Faculty Listings. Browse to file which must be a .jpg or .gif image. Check the box for "Also use for Small Listing Photo" (sized down to 100 pixels) if you want the system to automatically provide the smaller image. The small photo is used in the Faculty Listing created with Faculty List from the Faculty Database tool and the large photo is used for the Profile listing on the Faculty's home page.
    Note: You can use the import photos functionality to import photos for multiple staff members. See the Bulk Photo Upload Utility - Import Photos article for more information about uploading multiple photos.
  5. Profile: Enter or paste into the text editor, the information that should appear under the faculty member’s name on their home page. If the Home Page Type is set to Profile Page or Web Site the faculty member, when logged in, will be able to access the text editor and enter/update their own information by clicking on My Faculty Administration on the left sidebar and then clicking the link for Edit My Profile at the top left of the screen.

CMS4Schools Tab | Web Site Administrator Section

After selecting the Web Site Administrator checkbox in the Account Type section, the Web Site Administrator and Navigation Builder sections will be available.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 1.20.06 PM.png

The CMS4Schools Web Site Administrator controls the amount of access given to a Web Site Administrator, the main person in charge of the district’s website and others who have the job of updating any pages not part of a faculty web site. One person or a very few people should have access to all modules. Permissions to modules should be given as needed.

Note: If the Calendar, Lunch Menu, Announcements and/or User Accounts check box(es) are not checked the corresponding section will not show on the Web Site Administrator’s information screen. These sections allow more precise permissions to be granted to some areas of the module and not to others. For all other modules, a Web Site Admin either has rights to the module or will not be able to access the module at all. Modules, that an Admin has been granted access to, will appear on the left side of the Main Web Site Admin site below the Navigation Builder link.

  1. Calendar Admin: If checked, in the Calendar section will be visible on the page.
    • Add/Edit/Delete Calendar Categories:Allows the admin to make changes to calendar categories.
    • All Calendars or Selected Calendars: For All Calendars, the admin will be able to add/edit/delete events for all Calendar Categories. With Selected Calendars, the admin will be able to add/edit/delete events for only the selected Calendar Categories. 
      Note: If Selected Calendars is chosen, newly created calendar categories will not be automatically available for the user. The admin will need to add the new category to the user's permissions.
  2. Lunch Menu Admin: If checked, in the Lunch Menu section will be visible on the page.
    • Add/Edit/Delete Calendar Categories: Allows the admin to make changes to the lunch menu categories.
    • All Categories or Selected Categories: For All Categories, the admin will be able to add/edit/delete events for all Lunch Menu Categories. With Selected Categories, the admin will be able to add/edit/delete events for only the selected Lunch Menu Categories. 
      Note: If Selected Categories is chosen, newly created categories will not be automatically available for the user. The admin will need to add the new category to the user's permissions.
  3. Announcements Database: If checked, in the Lunch Menu section will be visible on the page.
    • Add/Edit/Delete Announcement Categories: Allows the admin to make changes to the announcements categories.
    • All Categories or Selected Categories: For All Categories, the admin will be able to add/edit/delete events for all Categories. With Selected Categories, the admin will be able to add/edit/delete events for only the selected Categories. 
      Note: If Selected Categories is chosen, newly created categories will not be automatically available for the user. The admin will need to add the new category to the user's permissions.
  4. Members Database: The Admin will be able to add members and groups, import users, control the settings allowing members to update their profile, change their own password and specify the URL members will see when they log out.
  5. Scholarships Database: The Admin will be able to post scholarships on the website using one centralized database. This tool is not available on faculty pages. Consider making the high school guidance counselor a Web Site Admin with access to a set of guidance web pages and grant access to the Scholarship Database.
  6. Homework Admin: The Admin will be able to add/edit/delete homework types.
  7. User Accounts: If checked, in the Use Accounts section will be visible on the page.
    • All Groups: The user will be able to modify all User Accounts & manage User Account groups, import User Accounts, and mass-reset passwords.
    • Selected Groups: The user will be able to modify only the selected CMS4Schools User Account Groups. This is helpful if the district wishes to have a user accounts admin for each building within the district or any other scenario where an admin should have access to only a portion of the user accounts.
    • Main Website Administration: The user will be able to give out Web Site Administrator permissions. In other words, change any permissions on CMS4Schools, Web Site Administrator tab being described in this article as well as the Navigation Builder tab described in the next section.
    • Faculty Administration: The user will be able to give out Faculty permissions and add/edit/delete the profile information described in the CMS4Schools tab | Faculty Account Section previously.
  8. Settings: The Admin will be able to make site-wide changes including colors, add additional cascading style sheets, editing text that appears on every web page, set the time zone and other site-wide details.
    Note: clients with a custom design will not have many options in this module in order to preserve the custom design.
  9. File Uploads: The Admin will be able to add and delete files and folders. This is where files are stored that will be linked on a page using tools other than the Resource/News tool, which can link to locally stored files.
  10. Banners: The Admin will be able to upload, edit, delete banners and control on which pages a specific banner will display.
  11. Disk Usage Report: The Admin will be able to see the total amount of storage available to the district, the percent of storage used, and a list with the file size of each folder. Each folder can be opened to see the files contained in it and each file is a link that can be opened to see the actual content of the file.
  12. CMS4Schools Support: The Admin will be able to access the CMS4Schools Support Center. If this option was checked on the 4Schools Permissions page it will already be checked here. If checked here it will become checked on the 4Schools Permissions page as well.

Note: If you have elected to use the Shopping Cart feature, there will also be a Products (Shopping Cart) checkbox that will allow the admin to control the properties of the cart; add products and categories; view, delete and archive orders.

CMS4Schools Tab | Navigation Builder Section

After selecting the Web Site Administrator checkbox in the Account Type section, the Web Site Administrator and Navigation Builder sections will be available.


  1. Page Activation: This option is checked by default. Uncheck it if pages need to be reviewed by another individual or committee before being made active.
  2. Content Template Library: This library is a repository of pages that can be used to create a consistent format for pages being added to the website. A user with “Copy Content To It” permissions can create a page, adding available tools to the page and then copy it to the Content Template Library. Users with “Copy Content From It” permissions can choose the appropriate page from the Content Template Library and then edit the page to meet their needs. Tools can be added to and deleted from the copied page. See the Content Template Library article for more information about using the Content Template Library 
  3. Category and Page Permissions: Page access permissions can be refined to allow access to specific categories and/or individual pages. See the Category and Page Permissions section below for information about specific permissions.
    • Give Permission To All Page Categories: This link will give the user the ability to add/edit/delete pages for the entire website not including faculty pages. Use this link with caution.
    • Expand All Page Categories: Select to expand all page categories.
    • Click on the "+" (plus) in front of a specific section to only expand the selected section.

Category and Page Permissions

Expanding a section will show a table where you are able to set the permissions for the category of pages.


  1. Checking the box in the blue row will give access to all level 1, 2 and 3 pages (if any) for the category.
  2. Checking a box in the left column will give access to a level 1 or 2 page and all the subpages for that section. Pages included in the section will have grayed out checkboxes.
  3. Checking a box in the middle column will give access to only a single page.

When a Web Site Administrator logs into the Main Website Administrator, only the pages with check marks or grayed out boxes will appear in that user’s Navigation Builder.

Note: If a new category is requested from CMS4Schools support a website administrator will need to go to the Users Database and grant access to the new category to all users that need to have access to the new category.

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