
ACP Course Import

Before importing courses, set up your Departments and Programs. After your Departments and Programs of Study are set up, you can build an import file to add/update/delete courses within your ACP Courses Library

Go to the Import Courses article in the new CMS4Schools Help Center to learn about this information in the new CMS4Schools Users Interface.

Create Import File

Make a copy of the ACP Course Import Template Google Sheet or if you already have courses in your library, "Download Full Library" to generate a file that contains your current course information. 

*Indicates required fields for a course

  1. *Column A - course_number: Enter the Course Number (max 255 characters)
  2. *Column B - course_name: Enter the Course Name (max 255 characters)
  3. Column C - course_description:  Enter the Course Description
  4. Column D - course_type:  Enter the Course Type (max 255 characters)
  5. Column E - credit_type:  Enter the Credit Type (max 255 characters)
  6. Column F - required_course: Enter 0 if the course is not required (no). Enter 1 if the course is required (yes)
  7. *Column G - department: Enter the course's department
    Note: The department will need to match the names of a department in your Departments to be able to import courses.
  8. Column H - employment_type: Enter the Employment Type (max 255 characters)
  9. *Column I - pathway_id: Enter the Pathway ID
    Note: The ACP Course Import Template Google Sheet has a Pathway IDs field that you can use to identify the ID for each primary pathway.
  10. *Column J - program_of_study: Enter the course's program code
    Note: The program code will need to match the code of a program in your Programs to be able to import courses.
  11. Column K - college_credit: Enter 0 if the course doesn't offer college credit (no). Enter 1 if the course does offer college credit (yes)
  12. Column L - certification_available: Enter 0 if the course doesn't offer a certification (no). Enter 1 if the course does offer a certification (yes)
  13. Column M - accrediting_college_credit_institution: If the course offers college credit, enter the name of the accrediting college/university (max 255 characters)
  14. Column N - course_sequence_level: Enter the course sequence level (max 255 characters)
  15. *Column O - suggested_grade_level: Enter the suggested grade levels separated by a comma. For example, 9,10,11,12
  16. Column P - school_year: Enter the school year that the course will next be available
  17. Column Q - isactive: Enter 0 if the course isn't active (no). Enter 1 if the course is active (yes) and should display on your ACP site

After adding your course information in your Google Sheet, under File select Download > Tab-separated values (.tsv, current sheet) to download the file. 


Import Courses


From the ACP Courses Library page, select Upload File. 


  1. Choose your .tsv import file
  2. Select if you would like to replace existing course data or update current course information

Select Upload Course File to complete the import.

Video Tutorial

This video tutorial will walk through how to complete the Course Import file for the Academic and Career Planning Guide module in CMS4Schools.

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