
Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart Settings

In the left navigation of the Main Website Admin, access the Shopping Cart Settings module.


  1. Edit Shopping Cart PropertiesSelect to open the Shopping Cart Properties screen.
  2. Products: Opens the Products screen where products can be added and managed
  3. Edit CategoriesOpens the Product Categories where categories and subcategories can be added and managed
  4. OrdersOpens the Orders screen where orders can be viewed, archived, and deleted

Edit Shopping Cart Properties


  1. Shipping Applies: Select if shipping costs apply. If unchecked, the shipping section will not appear.
  2. Shipping Methods Allowed: Select the allowed shipping methods
  3. For UPS shipping calculation - Ship From Zip Code: You should only enter a zip code here if you want to have UPS shipping costs automatically calculated based on the total weight of the order, in which case you would also need to enter weights for each product being sold. Select the radio button to base the calculation on:
    • The total weight of the order (insurance, oversized, and dimensions will not be applied to this option)
    • The total weight of each unique product
  4. Handling Fee: Enter the amount and select Order, Canadian order, Product, or Unique Product
  5. Tax State/Amount: Select your state and enter the tax amount 
  6. Shipping Cost Matrix By Weight: Select to create a matrix that will determine how much to charge for shipping based on the weight of each product. The Shipping Cost Matrix By Weight link for entering in the amounts, weights and what to charge for shipping will be available once this option is checked.
  7. Shipping Cost Matrix By Order Cost: Select to create a total order cost matrix that will determine how much to charge for shipping. The Shipping Cost Matrix By Order Cost link for entering in the amounts and what to charge for shipping will be available once this option is checked.
  8. Online Payment System: Select Paypal and/or Google Checkout as a payment option.
  9. Message to Customer: Add a message to appear on the customer's order confirmation email.
  10. Reply To Email Address: This is the email address that will appear as the reply to address when the customer gest emailed an order confirmation.



  1. Add ProductOpens the Add Product screen where a product and all of it's information is added.
  2. Back to Shopping Cart Main Menu: Select to navigate back to the Shopping Cart Main Menu
  3. Copy: Create a copy of the product. Choose the new product title, position, and if the photo and thumbnail should be copied.
  4. Update: Select to update a product
  5. Delete: Select to delete a product

Add Product

Enter the information for the product.


  1. *Product Title: Enter the name/title of the product.
  2. *Price: Enter the price of the product.
  3. Photo: Use the choose file option to attach a .jpg, .gif, or .png file.
  4. Show in Category: If desired, use the drop-down to select the category for the product.
  5. Show in Sub-Category: If desired, use the drop-down to select the sub-category for the product.
  6. *Position After: Choose where you would like the product to appear in the list of products.
  7. Description: Enter a description of the product.
  8. Keywords for Search Option: Enter any keywords related to the product.
  9. Sizes: Enter the size options for the product.
  10. Colors: Enter the color options for the product.
  11. Shipping Information: Enter information to automatically calculate UPS shipping charges.
  12. Additional Information: Check the box to allow the customer to receive a password to log in and retrieve additional information after completing their order.

Edit Categories

Creating categories is not required. If you want all of your products to be displayed on the user side without having to first click into a category, then do not create any categories.


  1. Add Category: Select to open the Add Product Category screen. Enter a Category Name and choose the position and Add the category.
  2. Back to Shopping Cart Main Menu: Select the link to navigate back to the Shopping Cart module.
  3. Sub-CategoriesOpens the Product Sub-Categories screen where subcategories can be added or managed.
  4. Update: Select to update the category name or position
  5. Delete: Select to delete the category. The category cannot be deleted if there are any sub-categories or products associated with the category.

Product Sub-Categories


  1. Add Sub-Category: Select to open the Add Product Sub-Category screen. Enter a Sub-Category Name and choose the position and Add the category.
  2. Back to Categories: Select the link to navigate back to the Product Categories screen.
  3. Category: Default it the category where sub-category was selected. However, you can select any category where you would like to add sub-categories.
  4. Delete: Select to delete the sub-category. Sub-categories cannot be deleted if there is a product associated with the sub-category.



  1. Search for an Order: Search for an order using the Billing Last Name, Order #, Archived, and/or Sort By options. Leave all fields blank to show all orders.
  2. Archive - Check All: Select the Archive checkbox for all orders.
  3. Archive: Select the checkbox and then the Save Archive Changes button to archive an order.
  4. Delete: Select the checkbox and then the Delete Checked Orders button to delete an order.
  5. Order #: Select to view the order information
  6. Save Archive Changes: After selecting the Archive checkbox, select this button to archive the orders.
  7. Delete Checked Orders: After selecting the Delete checkbox, select this button to delete the orders.

Shopping Cart Tool

The Shopping Cart tool is a Main Body tool that is used display products and allows visitors to submit orders.

Shopping Cart Tool Properties


  1. No Online Payment: Select to allow customers to submit an order an pay later.
  2. Product Categories: Select either All Categories or Selected Categories.
    1. All Categories: Display products from all categories.
    2. Selected Categories: Select the desired categories to display.
  3. Display Search: Select to display a search box.
  4. Results Per Page: Use the dropdown to choose how many products will display on a page.
  5. Results Format: Select Tabular or Profile. If Profile is selected, choose the number of columns (1-4) to display the products in. 
  6. Ask for More Per Product: An additional, customizable field to gather more information.

Shopping Cart Tool Options


  1. Edit This Detail's Properties: Select to open Edit Cart Detail Properties where the shopping cart tool properties can be updated.
  2. Shopping Cart - Main Menu: Select the link to navigate to the shopping cart module.

Shopping Cart User Experience



Product Selected


Shopping Cart


Shopping Cart - Check Out


Review Your Order


Order - Finished


Order Confirmation Email



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